Sunday, February 27, 2011

Uganda trip Fundraising Garage Sale!!

Don't miss a BIG fundraising Garage Sale (benefitting the upcoming Uganda trip in May) !!

Saturday, March 12th
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
19 Serenade Circle (in Woodcreek North)
Wimberley, TX

Saturday, February 26, 2011

News from IChooseYou

Hello to Everyone from the IChooseYou Texas Office!!

Just wanted to give you an update on what all is going on...

  • Morris and Aida were here in January!  We visited with them in Houston on January 22 where we attended the Grace International Dinner with Mike and Mary Thrasher.  We enjoy this with the Thrasher's and Morris and Aida each year.
  • Morris and Aida were in Wimberley for about 10 days this year.  They spent a day with Ted and I while they were here.  They updated us on the children...which all are doing well in school.  They have had to deal with many of the children coming down with malaria but because of the generous donations that we had received the children did get the medical attention that was needed. We also made some plans for our upcoming trip in May/'s going to be a full much needs to be done.
  • Darby was able to come over and spend some time with Morris and Aida.  Darby and Aida made plans for the ladies and their sewing projects.  They are learning so much and are so excited about working!!!  Darby raised money to hire a teacher to work with the ladies to teach them how to read and write!!!!  Is that wonderful or what!  
  • People who were/are interested in going to Uganda gathered that evening to get to know Morris and Aida and hear from them what is happening with IChooseYou and how God is blessing the work and the families in Namatala.  Our time with them was wonderful....too short but what a blessing!

  • We are having problems with the pig farm.  I'm not really sure what all is going on....of course it has to do with money....feeding the pigs (cost have gone up) and paying the workers.  I am still learning that we see things so differently then they do in Uganda....I would appreciate the prayers for this venture.  If any of you know someone that has a heart for starting businesses in 3rd world countries and/or knows anything about pigs....please send them my way....I am way out of my league!!

  • Our next trip to Uganda will be in May...we are taking 2 teams this year.  Here are some prayer requests that we would love to have you join us in praying for:
1.  Health and safety for our 41 IChooseYou children and their families
2.  Wisdom in selecting 9 additional children...should we add more at this time and if so which ones.
3.  The ladies sewing and where to sell their goods.
4.  The pig farm....wisdom, understanding and good communication with the men, healthy pigs, workers and funds.
5.  The team that is going this they raise their money for the trip, for their health and safety as they prepare to go.  
6.  For possible fundraisers...we need to raise money for 50 backpacks (about $500.00) and for food to feed all 41 IChooseYou families one day that we are there (around 200 people and the cost is around $600.00) and for new school shoes 50 children x 20.00 per child ($1000.00) all adds up fast!!  We would like to paint the outside of the school....would like to take food to a Baby Orphanage and we would like to set up a small wound care all in all we are looking at raising around $3,500.00 to $4,000.00!!!  

I am sure that I have left something out of the prayer requests but if you would just pray for the trip and the families in general that would be wonderful...thank you in advance for your prayers.

Sponsors and Donors, thank you so much for being a part of what God is doing through are making such a difference in the lives of these children....they have a hope and a future because of your love and care.  Some of them are alive because of your love and care....times are hard here but in comparison we have so, so much and we have so, so much to give and you are!!!!  Thank you and bless you.

I will try to update the blog again soon...when we know when the fundraisers are, etc.  

Blessings to each on of you,
Becky  ...  spread the word....sponsor a child....make a difference in the life of a child!!!!