Friday, April 4, 2014


This smiley fellow is Meddy. Meddy is fourteen years old and in the Primary 7 class at Covenant Primary School. He lives with his mother in Namatala. Meddy has one younger brother and one younger sister. Meddy has been in the IChooseYou program for six years. His favorite subjects are English and math. Meddy is particularly gifted in math and he even helps his friends with their math homework. Meddy wants to study accounting at university and eventually work in a bank. Meddy makes excellent grades and is very dedicated to his school work. He is ranked in the top five among his classmates. Outside of school, Meddy enjoys spending time with his friends and singing. He sometimes sings, plays instruments, and dances at his church. His favorite Bible story is found in Acts 3, when Peter heals the lame man outside of the temple. This is his favorite story because it encourages him that God is powerful and does great miracles. Meddy is very grateful for the opportunity to go to school.

"I want to say thank you to Mama Becky and my sponsors. It is a good thing you have done here. We are not the same people were once were. I pray that you are given more of the spirit of giving so that you can continue to give to many others."