Tuesday, March 29, 2011

There is so much going on!!!

Greetings!...HAPPY SPRING!!!
WOW....can you believe that it is the last week in March??!!  Where does the time go!!

We have our team together and we are getting ready to go...less then 2 months we will be on the ground in Namatala, Uganda!!  We have so much to do and we need your help!!

First, if you are sponsoring a child will you send me a letter and a picture of yourself and your family.  The kids really love getting this from you...it helps them put a face and some sweet words with the love that they receive from you on a monthly basis.  I know it takes time but please do this....think of how it feels when you get a letter in the mail or even a message from a special person on facebook or an e-mail....come on, sit down and write a little something to YOUR CHILD!!!! Send it to me...Becky Ball, IChooseYou,  P.O. Box 1357, Wimberley, TX  78676.  It would be great to have this by May 10....thank you so much.

Next....the 2011 Team is having a Fundraiser Dinner and you are invited!!!  So please come and join us!!

IChooseYou Fundraiser Dinner

Where:  Cypress Creek Church
When:  Saturday, April 30, 2011
Time:  6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Cost:  $15.00 per person
Tickets are available at the Cypress Creek Church office...see Darby or you can contact Brandi Silva, Josh Burleson, Micah Burleson, Kyla Donner, Callie Eacret, Lauri Bunch, Linda Bueltel, Ted  Ball or Becky Ball...or email me at ichooseyouministries@gmail.com .

We are raising money to take supplies with us on our 2011 Trip to Namatala, Uganda...such as...backpacks, medical supplies, (we have had someone donate the money to buy the children's school shoes!), school supplies, and also (after we get there) buy mosquito nets, possibly mats to sleep on, vegetable seeds, paint to paint the outside of the school, and other things that might be needed.  Also, we will spend a day (each team) at a baby orphanage that is very poor.  We like to take flour, sugar and beans to them and if we have or can get some medical supplies and/or mosquito nets, then that too is a great need.  So, this is what the Fundraiser Dinner is for.

The food is being donated by TEXAS ROADHOUSE IN SAN MARCOS...THANK YOU TEXAS ROADHOUSE....You Rock!!!

Besides dinner, we will have a silent auction, we will have IChooseYou T-Shirts for sale, items that our IChooseYou ladies have made, lots of pictures and hopefully live music....it will be a night of fun, fellowship and a time to get to know other IChooseYou family members.

 Invite your friends to come so they can learn about IChooseYou!!!

One more thing....We ask for your prayers while we are gone...prayers for safety, for good health, for safety and health for our family members that we leave here and for us to follow what the Lord has for us to do while we are there.  As I have said from the beginning of IChooseYou...it belongs to the Lord.  This is His work and we are just following His lead.
"Who will I send as a messenger to my people?  Who will go?"  And I said, "Lord, I'll go!  Send me."  Isaiah 6:8
Also, pray for the Ugandan people to see Jesus through us...it is so not about us, it is all about Jesus!!
Members of the team are as follow:
Becky Ball
Ted Ball
Darby Burleson
Brandi Silva
Josh Burleson
Micah Burleson
Kyla Donnor
Lauri Bunch
Linda Bueltel
Callie Eacret
Becca Willett
Taylor Van Duinen

We need your prayers and we thank you for your prayers!!!!!



Thank all of you so much for being a part of IChooseYou.  What you are doing monthly for the children in Namatala, Uganda is truly life changing.  YOU ARE A BLESSING!!!!!

Praying God's sweet blessings to each of you,


For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God.
Of all the people on earth, God has chosen you to be His own special treasure.
                                                                     Deuteronomy 7:6

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